School is about to start again and getting back into the mindset of school is always hard, especially this semester because it is my last semester of college and I am ready to graduate. I get a month off of school for winter break so I completely check out and go into relaxing mode. This break I went to a lot of Phoenix Suns games, hung out with friends and played a lot of video games, it was a very relaxing and low key break. After going to school and working hard for so many months in a row, it is nice to have absolutely nothing going on. It is even better when you get all the grades you wanted, it definitely adds more happiness.

I have been at home in Phoenix the entire winter break and I honestly do miss school and Flagstaff a little bit. Going to school is like a second home for me and I always enjoy my time up there. I really like the independence and the fact all of my friends are there so there is always something fun and exciting to do. For me, coming home at first is always fun and I am excited to be back, but after a few weeks I get tired of being home and want to go back to school. The more you stay in a place, the more it grows on you, and that’s how it is with me and school, I just love being there. Even though I do love going back to school after being gone for a while, leaving is hard for me. When I’m in school, I do not see my family a lot usually because of classes and I work. I value all the time I get to spend with my family because the older I get, I know the less time I will have with them.