I think it is safe to say that these past 4 months have been the most hectic months of my life. I have had more fun than I ever have; I have been more stressed than I ever have. But here I am, almost done with my first semester of college! In the spirit of giving thanks, this blog post will be dedicated to everyone who has supported me along my journey through high school and supported me during the transition between high school and college.

First, of course, my family! The Faikes family has been my number one support for my entire life and that didn’t change even if I moved 2 hours away. I believe that I am more than blessed to have such a strong, encouraging group of people to call my family. I couldn’t thank them enough for everything over the past 19 years, but especially in the past 4 months.

Second, my girlfriend who endlessly listens to me complain about whatever is bothering me on that day and then always manages to make me feel better. I’m very glad to have someone like her to be one of my best and most loyal friends while I’m in college.

Next, my best friends/brothers in the world. Although we aren’t going to the same colleges, we have kept in touch and talk frequently. Our friendship means more to me than they know and I can’t wait to see them over every single break that we have for the next 3 and a half years.

Lastly, the best coach/teacher/mentor I’ve ever had. I am absolutely positive that the lessons that I learned under his guidance have made me a better person and a better student. I sincerely hope that every student has a teacher who can help a student realize their potential like this teacher did for me.

Wow, well that was pretty fun to write! It is always great to sit back and take some time to recognize those who have helped you by giving them thanks. As Thanksgiving comes by, I would strongly encourage you to send thanks to everyone who you are grateful for. I really do hope that this blog post motivated you to tell someone “thank you!”

Thank YOU for reading and… HAPPY THANKSGIVING!