Ever since I could remember, my family and I have lived near the schools we attended. Growing up me and my siblings used to just have to walk across the street to get to school. Now the same is true. I will not be living on campus, or near campus. I will living at home with my family. Campus is within driving distance from my house.

More than half of the student population at my school commutes. This means that students drive to and from campus. My university provides multiple dormitory facilities and some students actually do occupy these spaces. Since I live within the city of houston and my university is close to downtown houston, it hasn’t really been difficult to find my way to campus every day. Not living on campus and staying close to home has allowed me to work outside of school while also attending my regular classes. This has allowed me to really see how the work that I am doing school can be applied in my own community.

Although I do not live on campus, I feel like my involvement in school is still important. This upcoming semester I will be organizing a student organization as the President for the group. This has allowed me to make valuable relationships with students that share the same interests as me. For students that live on campus it is important that you find ways to contribute to your campus community, and find ways you can reach out to outside communities. The advice I can share with you about move in is to be able to communicate effectively with the people you will be living with. This will later be helpful outside of campus.