Choosing a Major

College is all about finding yourself and your passion in an almost endless pool of possibilities. A major aspect of that development is declaring a…

You Did It! Now, Summertime!

Congratulations! You made it through this semester of college! I want to remind you that you are doing a great job in your academic journey.…

Halfway There

I finally finished my Sophomore year of college on May 12 at 7:04 pm, when I submitted my research project of 17 pages! This semester…

Finally Finals

The most dreaded but most anticipated time of the year is upon us – finals week and the end of the school year! During this…

Burnout and Senioritis Season!

As first-generation students, we are always under pressure to do well in school and eventually graduate. Senioritis and burnout are not uncommon in students  (particularly…

The End of The Semester!

At the end of the semester, we get stressed. Between finals and final projects, it can become a lot all of a sudden. One week…

Pulling Through!

As a first year, Spring Break was earlier than what I was used to. Also, it was harder to come back from Spring Break because…

Balancing Finances!

Balancing being a student and working can be challenging at times, especially if you are first generation and must learn the college lifestyle on your…