Going to college means gaining a lot of independence, this includes gaining financial independence. This can be a major change, especially coming from a home where most of your finances are handled by your parents. What has helped me make the transition is utilizing what I can out of my meal plan, meaning trying to eat in the dining hall or use “flex dollars” as much as possible especially when it comes to things like coffee or bagels. When spending money beyond those things making a list of what is a “need” vs a “want”. I would highly recommend that you can fit it into your schedule to get an on-campus job where you have some flexible hours, this allows for some extra cash in your pocket so you can go out more with friends or just save for the future. Being smart about my money hasn’t held me back socially and I have been able to go out with friends whenever we make plans! This does mean just being financially responsible and if you are going for coffee opt for a smaller size or a more “basic” order if you are trying to save money for later in the week. If you have access to grocery stores in your area and like to drink coffee or tea buying the ingredients and making them yourself can save you so much money in the long run! I use a cold brew mix, vanilla syrup, and oat milk from the store and my total was around $15 which is a lot upfront but that drink at Starbucks is around $6. I am able to get around 6 cups of coffee from cold brew before I need to buy more of that but it saves so much in the long run since the other ingredients last longer. Making sure you are smart about your money is extremely important because you never know what could come up! I recommend always keeping at least $50 reserved for emergencies that could arise (last-minute train home, laundry emergency, etc.). This little amount tucked away will give you peace of mind and help you focus more on your socials!