Seanna Leath

Gettin' Money

I’ve told this story so often that it has catchphrases and clichés…but it’s still a good story & it never stopped being true. My undergrad application process was haphazard to say the least. It was as disastrous as someone trying to run through an obstacle course...

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No Sweets for Two Weeks!

Lucky for me and my waistline, my aunt is a fitness instructor at our church.  She recently assigned a new fast of no sweets for two weeks.  No cakes, cookies, candy, pies, or ice cream.  Since she didn’t say “no sweet breakfast foods,” I snuck in some cinnamon rolls...

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Minty Fresh at Michigan State

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re meeting new people, and your cheeks ache from the incessant smiling and talking that you’ve had to do?  Add cold fingers and toes to the stiff cheeks and you’ve nearly summed up my current situation.  As I sit and type...

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Tis The Turkey Season!

It’s getting a little bit more difficult to think back to my high school years, especially as I’m hopefully on the cusp of graduate school.  But I can still mention some things that I’ve been thankful for this semester. Waking up in the morning and realizing that I...

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Gettin' the Scoop

This past weekend, a group of 40 prospective students were visiting Pomona’s campus.  Last year, I was actually the intern who worked with the admissions office to coordinate activities for these weekends.  I remember trying to put together a list of parties, student...

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Books & Babies…The Other Side of the Coin

“She got married to who…wait, when did this happen?  Hold on…WHEN is the baby due?”  I must have sounded like a broken record after a while; catching up with friends from back home in Arkansas took a decided shift around junior year.  My classmates and I were now in...

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Resume in the Apple Juice

Personal statement.  Statement of purpose.  Personal-ment of the state you’re in.  No matter how the words were rearranged, it still loomed large and confusingly in my mind.  Being well into my junior year, I’m now approached more seriously by professors to discuss my...

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I have to confess…I failed to set any New Year’s Resolutions for this upcoming year.  I don’t have my usual slip of paper with five or seven things written down that I’d like to improve, and I didn’t even commit to trying to lose that extra-comfortable ten pounds...

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Surprising Support…

On Friday, September 2nd, 2011, I sat down for an interview with two Deans at our college.  I’d just returned from a run at the gym and was looking forward to the Open House at our student center that night.  Before the interview, I’d mentioned that I’d been emailed...

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